
How to Start a Business With Limited Resources

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Starting a business is not as expensive as it might sound. You can get everything you need to start a business with little resources, and you can do it without any money. There are many entrepreneurs who started their own businesses with limited funds or even nothing at all. We also started this business with a small budget, this website is our first investment with overheads such as labour and hosting fees but we are able to keep it going with a small team of six. But when we started memeculture4 it was just one person, me, back in 2018 so you can also start your own business by yourself and make it work.

In this article, we are going to discuss some dos and don’ts that everyone needs to know before starting a business, if you mess these up you might mess up your business. Starting a business is challenging, but if you have the right plan, it can be done with limited resources. The key to getting your business off the ground is to begin. Start by making a budget for your new venture, so you can allocate funds appropriately and minimize any unnecessary spending. Then start marketing! You need customers in order to keep your business going; otherwise, it will fail within six months or less, unless you get some new clients or make more sales. You'll also need to consider finding a workspace, whether at home or elsewhere and setting up some basic legal requirements (like registering and tax clearance).

The Key to Getting Your Business off the Ground is to Begin.

Like any journey you need to take the first step for you to reach your desired destination, Some people may be discouraged from starting their business because of the limitations they imagine or see and if you don’t have the right mindset these can really set you back into a point of no return. So it is important for you to stay motivated and determined regardless of the fears you have. Some of the challenges people face when starting a business are a lack of capital due to unemployment or a lack of funding or running the business alone or with limited labour.

Remember that when starting a business it is your idea, so it being your idea means that you know how to execute the goals that you have set. So you are the one who knows the best way to go about it. Starting a business by yourself is scary but it is also scary to start a business with other people involved so each option or situation comes with its own advantages and disadvantages but if you don’t lose hope you will succeed in what you want to accomplish. Now let’s look at things you need to do to make your business successful.


Start with a small budget, so you won't have much to lose if things don't go according to plan. Maybe even save up some money in advance so that when it comes time to start spending it, there won't be any hesitation or second-guessing yourself!

Don't worry about having enough people on board right away; start small and grow as needed. If one person isn't available for whatever reason then move on without him or her (and don't quit until his/her replacement can be found). Don't get caught up in perfectionism before starting anything new; keep moving forward no matter how big or small the steps might seem at first glance!

Budgeting is one of the most important things you can do as a small business owner. Your budget will help you set goals and determine how much money you need to make from each customer, in order to pay for your overhead costs (rent, utilities, payroll) and make a profit.

Determine how much money you'll need to pay yourself. This is your salary or wages; it should cover all expenses related to running your business like power, food and insurance. If necessary, use this as an opportunity to increase your income by asking for a raise at work or asking family members if they would be willing to help out financially with living expenses while starting up a new venture. Calculate how much extra cash flow will be available after paying yourself. Estimate what kind of revenue stream will be needed in order to break even on sales. Budget accordingly!

Marketing & Social Media Presence

A good marketing plan is more than just a list of strategies; it's a roadmap for your business. It should be based on your business strategy, which means you should know exactly what your company does and who its target customers are before you start creating ads or crafting social media campaigns.

A good marketing plan will help you get more customers by educating them about what they need in the product or service you offer. But even if it doesn't work right away, don't give up! You can always make adjustments to increase the visibility of your brand over time, which will lead to better results down the road.

Meme Culture is already on social media so we had that advantage in marketing our website but even if you don’t have a big or strong social media presence it’s never too late to start. TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp are great platforms to join and create content promoting your business with the easiest being TikTok followed by Instagram Reels and WhatsApp where you can market through your contacts, status and chat groups. On the other platforms make sure you use the same username and profile picture for easy recognition and post consistently. Word of mouth is another great way to market your business.

Create A Website

You’re going to need a good website from the very beginning. This is optional depending on what you are doing and your budget. A website can help you establish your business and get your name out there, but it also serves as an essential tool for any business, especially a startup. Most people these days use Google and social media to search for local businesses and learn about them—and that number goes up when they’re looking for a particular service or product. The more people who know about your company and what it offers, the better! Make sure your website is neat and easy to use.

Find Customers

You can find customers through social media, word of mouth and your website. All you have to do is:

  1. Create a good social media strategy (you can learn how from free YouTube videos, TikTok videos, blogs or experienced friends).
  2. Talk about your business with every opportunity you get be it through networking events, church, school, work etc.

In conclusion, we know starting a business can seem daunting, but we strongly believe that the most important thing is to begin. If you have a great idea for a business and are willing to work hard, then it’s likely that it will succeed. Of course, there are some things you need to do once you get started, like creating a budget and hiring employees if necessary (but not too soon!). But most importantly of all? Just start talking about your business. Find customers wherever they may be—and don’t forget about those legal requirements!

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