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How to Start and Run a Successful Broiler Chicken Business in 2024

Broiler chicken production is one of the most popular and profitable agribusinesses around the world. Broilers are chickens that are raised for meat production, unlike layers which are raised for egg production. They grow fast and reach market weight in about six or eight weeks. Broiler farming can provide a steady source of income for small-scale farmers, as well as create employment opportunities for others. You can also run a broiler chicken business from home which is common practice in countries like Zimbabwe.

However, broiler farming is not without its challenges. It requires careful planning, management, and investment. So in this article, we will discuss some of the key aspects of starting and running a successful broiler chicken business in general but do note that this can vary from country to country but we will use Zimbabwe as our main example.

How Broilers Make Money

The main source of income from broiler farming is selling live birds, dressed chickens or chicken portions to customers. The price of broilers depends on the demand and supply in the market, as well as the quality and size of the birds. According to StartupBiz Zimbabwe, the average price of live broilers in Zimbabwe was $6 per kg in 2015, while the average price of processed meat was $8 per kg. However, these prices may vary depending on the location, season, and competition. In 2023 the price range is still the same.

The profit margin from broiler farming depends on several factors, such as the cost of production, the feed conversion ratio, the mortality rate, and the market price. The cost of production includes the expenses for day-old chicks, feed, vaccines, medication, labour, electricity, water and transport. If you intended to run your chicken business from home you can make a decent profit from it but if you intend to run a larger scale farm then your numbers will be much different. This is because it depends on your target market, sales and so much more that you’d need to do further research on.


The budget can vary depending on the scale of your business. If you start or run your business from home your budget will obviously be much smaller than the budget of a large scale farm. The cost of day old chicks can cost between $0.50 (USD) up to $1.50 each in Zimbabwe but this mainly depends on your country. The budget is not only for the chicks but for employees, materials, feed, vaccinations and any other overheads you might face. So be sure to create a reasonable budget.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Broiler Farming

Like any other business, broiler farming has its pros and cons. Some of the advantages are:

  • It has a high return on investment, as broilers can be sold within six weeks of purchase.
  • It has a high demand in the market, as chicken meat is quite popular and affordable.
  • It can be done on a small scale (from home), with minimal land and capital requirements.
  • It can create employment opportunities for family members or hired workers.
  • It can provide manure for crop production or biogas generation.

Some of the disadvantages are:

  • Broilers are susceptible to diseases and pests, which can cause high mortality rates and losses.
  • The business can affected by fluctuations in feed prices and availability, which can increase the cost of production.
  • Because of the affordability of starting this business there can be serious competition and other farmers can reduce their prices just to get more sales than you.
  • Broilers can be quite sensitive to their environment so temperature, humidity, ventilation, and lighting are things you should pay close attention to.

Taking Care of the Chickens

Taking care of the chickens is crucial for ensuring their health and productivity. Some of the key aspects are:

1. Housing

The housing should provide adequate space, ventilation, lighting, and protection for the chickens. The housing can be made of simple materials such as corrugated iron sheets, wooden poles and planks, and earthen floors. But the best option is to keep them in a brick and motar housing as it is much stronger, secure and warmer. The housing should also be cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent diseases and pests.

2. Feed and Water

The feeding should provide sufficient nutrients and energy for the chickens to grow and gain weight. The feeding can be done using commercial feeds or homemade feeds. Commercial feeds are more convenient and balanced, but they can be expensive and scarce at times but are the better option. This is because though homemade feeds are cheaper and more available, they can be less nutritious and consistent. There are different types of feed for each stage of growth and circumstance so be sure to get the appropriate feed, if you are not sure what feed you should get, ask your seller. You should provide clean and fresh water for the chickens to drink and cool themselves. You can use drinkers, buckets, or troughs. The water should be changed daily and the containers should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

3. Vaccination

Vaccinating protects the chickens from common diseases such as Newcastle, Gumboro, Fowl pox, and Fowl typhoid. The vaccination can be done using injections, eye drops, or drinking water. Vaccinate them according to the recommended schedule and dosage.

4. Medication

The medication should treat the chickens from any infections or parasites that may affect their health and performance. The medication can be give using antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics, or vitamins. The medication should be done according to prescription and instructions.


Broiler chicken production is a viable and rewarding business and it can provide a steady income for small-scale farmers, as well as create employment opportunities for others. However, it requires careful planning, management, and investment. To succeed in this business, one needs to consider the factors given above and be make sure you follow the regulations of your country. I hope this has been of help, we will be publishing more articles about agriculture related businesses in the future so be sure to visit this website regularly for that.

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